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    Image Source: D satyajeet / Shutterstock

    EPFL’s NCCR MARVEL investigators engaged computational methodologies to unearth novel 1-D substances that might be derived from conventional three-dimensional crystals, comprising the most slender metal nanowire stable at 0 K discovered till date.

    Exploration in Nanomaterials

    Experts from EPFL’s Laboratory for Theory and Simulation of Materials wielded computational techniques to pinpoint the thinnest feasible metallic filament, alongside various monodimensional materials exhibiting attributes that could be beneficial across multiple fields.

    Monodimensional (or 1-D) materials are among the foremost fascinating elements birthed from nanotechnology, consisting of atoms configured into linear shapes like wires or tubes. Their unique electrical, magnetic, and luminescent characteristics render them ideal choices for utilization in fields as diverse as microelectronics, biosensing, and catalysis. While carbon nanotubes are predominantly the limelight in prior discussions, their production and manipulation present significant challenges, prompting the search for alternative substances to fabricate nanowires and nanotubes with comparable attractive properties but more manageable production.

    Pinpointing 1-D Structures

    Thus, Chiara Cignarella, Davide Campi, and Nicola Marzari chose to deploy computational simulations to sift through established three-dimensional crystals, scouting for ones that – based on their structural and electronic attributes – could likely be “exfoliated,” fundamentally peeling off a steady 1-D configuration. This technique has proven fruitful previously for scrutinizing 2-D materials, marking its first use for 1-D analogs.

    The team initiated their quest with a collection of over 780,000 crystals, compiled from multiple databases as noted in scientific literature and bonded by van der Waals forces – the subtle connections that emerge when atoms lie sufficiently close for their electron clouds to interact. They then executed an algorithm assessing the spatial configuration of the crystals’ atoms to locate those containing wire-like formations, and they calculated the energy needed to detach that 1-D form from the parent crystal.

    Unveiling the Most Minute Metallic Wire

    “Our focus specifically revolved around metallic filaments, presumed difficult to isolate due to the belief that 1-D metals might not be stable enough to support exfoliation”, expresses Cignarella, principal author of the study.

    They condensed their sizable collection to 800 1-D substances, from which they elected the 14 supreme candidates – materials not yet actualized as tangible wires but projected by simulations to be achievable. Proceeding to meticulous property computation, they confirmed their stability and anticipated electronic characteristics.

    Groundbreaking Outcomes in Nanowire Investigation

    Four substances – a pair of metals and another duo of metalloids – emerged as the leading contenders. Amongst these is the metallic filament CuC2, a one-directional chain of two carbon atoms and a solitary copper atom, celebrated as the most slender stable metallic nanowire at 0 K to date. “It’s particularly astounding since the projection of a metallic linear atomic chain maintaining stability was unexpected”, Cignarella remarks. The researchers established its feasibility of being exfoliated from three parent crystals (NaCuC2, KCuC2, and RbCuC2), all experimentally recognised. The filament’s extraction requires minimal energy, and its chain maintains metallic attributes even when bent, rendering it valuable for the development of flexible electronic devices.

    Additional compelling materials uncovered in this analysis, catalogued within ACS Nano, incorporate the metalloid Sb2Te2, remarkable for potentially enabling the exploration of an esoteric form of matter known as excitonic insulators, a state forecasted fifty years back yet never visibly witnessed, highlighting one of the rare instances where quantum phenomena become observable on a larger scale. Then there’s Ag2Se2, another metalloid, alongside TaSe3, an already familiar substance that stands as the sole example to have been previously separated into nanowires through experimentation, serving as a reference for the team.

    Potential Significance and Trajectories for Future Investigation

    In future plans, Cignarella elucidates the team’s ambition to collaborate with experimentalists to fabricate these materials while persisting in computational evaluations to comprehend their electrical charge conduction and behavior under varied temperatures. Understanding both facets is crucial for assessing their performance in practical applications.

    Image Source: D satyajeet / Shutterstock

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