The notions of utopia and dystopia depict made-up communities where individuals dwell in either an idyllic setting, directed by laws that ensure joy for...
In the Roman context, deities were understood not only through spatial and temporal lenses but also through the individuals who oversaw these realms. Referring...
By implementing a carbonated — instead of a motionless — water-centered solution during the cement manufacturing process, an engineering team led by Northwestern University...
A major advancement in space communications has been made by the ‘TeraNet’ network of optical ground stations at the University of Western Australia. Laser...
Professor Barbara Piętka from the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw, a key proponent of the project overseeing the research direction, stresses...
Ever since Aristotle’s time, there has been a line of thinking suggesting that the interactions between parents and offspring, as well as spouses, serve as...
Passed by a House of Representatives gridlocked by its most extremist members, only 27 bills became law in 2023, marking a nearly 90% drop from the...