Quantum computers, capitalizing on the distinct capabilities of qubits, excel beyond classical machinery by coexisting in multiple states at once. Concerted investigations on silicon...
Scientists from Aalto University have identified the thermal energy dissipation in qubits through a basic experimental arrangement, illuminating the issue of superconducting qubit coherence...
A newly developed superconductor material that may find applications in quantum computing and could be a candidate for a “topological superconductor” has been produced...
A team at QuTech have developed acrobatic spin qubits for universal quantum logic. This feat could empower streamlined control of extensive semiconductor qubit arrays....
A genetic algorithm has been devised by scholars to shape phononic crystal nanostructures, significantly pushing boundaries in quantum computing and connectivity. The Quantum Computing...
EPFL engineers have invented a tool that can convert heat into electrical power proficiently at temperatures even colder than those in outer space. This...
A modular creation method to construct a quantum-system-on-chip that incorporates a network of synthetic atom qubits onto a semiconductor chip has been developed by...